Cluster Bomb
Air-gapped environments can keep critical systems and capabilities more secure with additional layers of protection. Though more protected, air-gapped cloud environments present new challenges when deploying and managing Kubernetes. NHT uses pure Kubernetes, which is the leading choice of the open-source community and garners the highest level of support from the CNCF. These components are superbly integrated, secured, and have been broadly tested and used. NHTs air-gapped deployment saves customers setup time and hassle by having pre-staged and approved containers ready to drop in and deploy.
Drop a Cluster in Restricted Cloud Regions
In commercial regions, we have fully automated the process of deploying a dynamic autoscaling cluster. In restricted regions, deployments are more challenging for many reasons. The environments tend to be very different, including networking and API availability and functionality. Additionally, software dependencies and containers need to be brought into the air-gapped environment and staged. NHTs deployment manages these difficulties by packaging all the required software and automation into fully approved containers.
Our deployment package consists of hardened Iron Bank containers and trusted software that is continually scrutinized and maintained, making deployments and rolling updates to the cluster extremely straightforward, delivering security and confidence.
We really enjoy working with Kubernetes, and it's our deployment method of choice. Nearly all of our workloads run within Kubernetes (even this simple little website), so we are continuing to add new features we think our customers will appreciate.